Our Crazy Thing Called Life

Our Crazy Thing Called Life

Monday, June 30, 2014

39 weeks, Welcome Charlotte!

After 39 weeks of counting down with our chalkboard pictures I am finally able to announce that our little bundle of beauty made her appearance :)

I can't even begin to describe the happiness, love, and pure sense of emotions I felt the moment our little one entered the world but I am just so happy and thankful for a healthy beautiful baby girl :)

Thank you all so much for following the journey, now onto our biggest adventure yet.... keep following for month to month updates!! :)

I felt it was only right to introduce Charlotte to the world with the infamous chalkboard :)

Charlotte's Birth Story

Let me just say... this whole day wasn't as I had imaged or thought it was going to go... but I am just thankful for my baby girl and that we are both healthy and happy!! :)

After being up all night with extreme back pain I decided to call the hospital to speak with the doctor on call to see what she recommended since I didn't want to go into the hospital unless I was for sure in labor, haha. After speaking with her off and on for about 20 minutes and explaining what I was feeling... She advised "come on in and lets check things out." So at 5:30am I walked into our bedroom and woke Andrew up saying "Babe, I think this could be it...its time to go to the hospital." We gathered the bags just in case and got ready, arriving at the hospital around 6am, which just happened to be during a shift change so I seen about 4 different nurses in 30 minutes before I finally met my nurses (Sally and Ashley) who would share one of most life changing moments of my life with... The monitoring began and we waited for the doctor...

7am - The doctor finally arrived and came in to check on me. After checking me she decided since I was fully effaced and 3cm dilated she would have me walk the halls for an hour (right away I had a feeling we were going to meet our baby girl today since they don't usually have you walk unless you are close)... which meant walking the 5th floor maternity floor for an 1 hour, Andrew and I walked 10 total laps before returning back to our room.

10:30am - Is when the doctor finally came back in.... and gave us the choice : I could start the inducing procedure or I could go home and sit with back pain and be back in later that night or at least within the next 48 hours in labor... with being in some much pain Andrew and I decided we would just begin the inducing procedure....

Last picture before our family became 3

11am - They started me on Pitocin,
12pm - The doctor broke my water, HELLO CONTRACTIONS! My contractions went from 10 minutes apart to every 2 minutes once the doctor broke my water...
3pm - By this time, I was becoming exhausted from the never ending contractions and lets just say I was not so pleasant to deal with either... so at 7.5cm dilated I decided it was time to get the epidural because I would have never made it through labor without it...
4pm - By 4pm, it was time to have a baby.... thank you to the epidural for relaxing me enough to speed everything up :)
After an 1 hour and 49 minutes of pushing, Andrew and I welcomed a beautiful baby girl into the world at 5:49pm weighing 5lbs and 14 ounces at 18 inches long.

There is our story... nothing crazy but its ours :) and we are truly blessed!!

Our family of 3 :)

Our little beauty

Holding my little one for the first time after she was cleaned up :) Such a priceless very emotional moment!

Daddy watching over his daughter :)

Yep, within in minutes of being born she was a daddys girl :)

Saturday, May 31, 2014

37 Weeks

How Far Along:  YAYYY! 37 Weeks, I can't believe we are officially FULL TERM! Which means I can go safely into labor any day now. Baby is fully developed and is practicing breathing with her lungs for when she makes her debut!

How I'm Feeling: I am trying my best to enjoy these last few days/weeks of my pregnancy because although I am completely tired of being pregnant (mentally and physically) and I beyond excited to meet our little one, I also know that I am gonna miss this bump soon because of sincerely enjoyed it!

Weight Gain/Loss: Holding steady at 21lbs gained.

Cravings: No real cravings, thank goodness!!

What I miss: Being able to sleep through the night, which isn't that bad I suppose.

Gender: Baby girl, Baby girl, Baby girl!

What I Am Looking Forward Too: Our little girl to make her debut into the world and meet her!

Other News:  Labor signs --- I started having contractions a few nights ago nothing consistent though. Hoping for good news at our next check up on dilation.

Hospital bags --- Our bags are officially finished (Charlotte and I's)

Bed Rest --- Still on bed rest, feeling good though just been trying to keep myself busy watching movies, reading, and writing on this blog plus doing some fitness networking. :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

36 Weeks... Hello Bed Rest!

How Far Along:  36 Weeks. Baby girl is about the size of  a melon. By the end of this week, she should be fully developed minus packing on extra pounds until her debut!

No chalkboard this week, sorry!!
How I'm Feeling: Mentally and Emotionally : Anxious, Nervous, Impatient, Excited... Honestly my emotions are running wild getting ready to meet this little beauty! So many things are going through my head... "Are we ready?" "Does she have everything she needs?" "What all do I need to do before she arrives?" but truth be told... I know we are as ready and prepared as we can be, she will have everything she needs when she gets here... LOVE, diapers, and milk ;), and no matter what I think I need to get done before she makes her debut... there will always be stuff that needs to be cleaned, organized, ect...

Physically : My body is ready for this little one to arrive as well, I am physically exhausted, my belly is extremely heavy which causes my back to hurt a lot (especially in the evenings). However now that I will be on bed rest until the end of my pregnancy I won't be having a lot of that.

Weight Gain/Loss: I lost 2lbs since last weeks doctor appointment, so I've gained 21lbs.
My nike jacket is getting pretty tight around my belly ;) but I can still get it zipped up!!

10 week difference... baby girl has POPPED out for sure!!

Cravings: No cravings, just my current obsession... French toast and watermelon...YUMMM!!

Gender: Baby girl!

What I Am Looking Forward Too: Meeting our little girl soon!!

Other News:  HELLO BED REST! Alright, for the 2nd week in a row at my routine ob check up my blood pressure was running extremely high again so they decided I needed to be monitored at the hospital again just to ensure baby and I were ok... several tests (urine, blood, sonogram) and hours later the doctor finally came in to explain what was going on with me and baby girl. I have a blood pressure condition called hypertension, which is a  step above normal and step below preeclampsia. So after she explained that this condition and that doesn't require them to induce me immediately because my blood pressure levels regulate when I am laying down or slightly reclined... is when she broke the big news to me... "You will need to be put on bed rest for the rest of your pregnancy. We want to keep this little one baking as long as possible, at least until 38 weeks." So I will be now having 2 ob appointments a week to check on my blood pressure level, starting this Friday (when I'll be considered full term at 37 weeks).
Relaxing with my puppy on the recliner :)

Friday, May 16, 2014

35 Weeks

How Far Along:  35 Weeks. Baby girl is about the size of a coconut. At our sonogram this week, we found out that she is weighing in at 5lbs. 3 oz. and is in position, which means she is almost ready (our little over achiever).

Her little feet :)

How I'm Feeling: Mentally and Emotionally, I am starting to feel a rush of emotions from excitement to nervousness to super anxious!

First load of her laundry
Physically, I am ready for this little one to be here. I am ready to be able to lift and move things I use too. Sleeping has become very uncomfortable (which is normal). Bending over is not impossible but lets just say its very difficult, which makes things challenging to the point Id rather just leave whatever I dropped where it is, haha.

Weight Gain/Loss: 23lb weight gain, right on track :)  I won't lie though... I've finally finished writing out my post-pregnancy workouts of for 6 weeks after and I have some new goals too!! I'm ready to become a FIT MOMMA!!

Cravings: Honestly no, at least nothing unusual.

Gender: Baby girl! Which I made sure of at our 35 week sonogram :)

What I Miss: I miss... my body, sleeping comfortable, not having back pain... the list could go on forever but the truth is I wouldn't have it any other way!!!

What I Am Looking Forward Too: Meeting our little one in just a few short weeks & our next check up on Tuesday (36 week appointment).

Other News: We had a bit of a scare this week at our 35 week check up, my blood pressure was extremely high so they sent me to the hospital to be examined for a few hours to ensure that baby and I were ok and that my blood pressure would go back to normal. After several hours the doctors determined that baby is healthy as ever and happy as a clam so I was cleared and released from the doctors care just I was told to RELAX and make sure I am putting my feet up when possible.

Nursery Strides: The nursery is coming together and is almost complete...

Her crib, The quilt was made by my great grandma whom Charlotte will be named after and
I've never used but it seems to fit her room perfectly!
One of my favorite pieces of her room, her binkies in a vase :)
Her changing table

Saturday, May 10, 2014

34 Weeks

How Far Along:  As always (lately) I am posting this a week late, 34 Weeks Along. Baby girl should be close to weighing in at 5 whole pounds and 20 inches long. She is the size of a cantaloupe.

How I'm Feeling: Mentally and Emotionally, I am ready to meet our little beauty.

 Physically, As I've said before I have had a pretty "easy" pregnancy with no serious complaints, as the countdown gets closer to the BIG day I am having some uncomfortable moments so I'll just share what I'm experiencing maybe you'll be able to relate...
  • Braxton hicks (STILL painless and spontaneous).
  • Back pain (possibly the way she is positioned)
  • VERY Itchy Belly (Due to a growing baby but I am using lots of coconut oil as moisturizer)
  • Midnight and 3AM bathroom runs.(Which I think is preparing me for feeding times)
  • Heartburn, I've had the entire time. (Hopefully she is born with hair, according to an old wives tale)
  • Her movements are much more noticeable which I believe is because she is starting to run out of room in there. (Which would cause me to become anxious and move a lot too)
  • INSOMNIA, Pinterest has become my best friend when I can seem to get back to sleep after those bathroom runs or just have trouble falling asleep.
  • Vision problems :: Holy crap I though I had blurry vision before pregnancy (which I wear glasses for to drive) but now its all the time, THANKS HORMONES! (The doctor said it will return to normal after she arrives.)
  • Leg cramps (YUCK!) I hate these with a passion. ( My friend recommended that I DRINK COCONUT WATER and let me just say if you are getting these go get some... its helps so much!!)
Weight Gain/Loss: I weighed myself on the scale at work last week and it said I am up to 20lb weight gain... (we shall see at my next appointment).

My little baby bump!!

Cravings: No crazy cravings this week...

Gender: Baby girl!

What I Miss: I miss... my body, sleeping comfortable, not having back pain... the list could go on forever but the truth is I wouldn't have it any other way!!!

What I Am Looking Forward Too: Our 35 week sonogram on FRIDAY!

Other News: Our 2nd and last baby shower was this week. It was ABSOLUTELY beautiful and perfect. Charlotte is beyond loved and spoiled already... I'll be sharing more pictures from the shower soon, but here are some highlights!!

Highlights from the shower :)

Friday, May 9, 2014

Our Maternity Pictures

At 34 weeks and a few days, my husband, our furbaby (Maverick), and I ventured off to Pittsburgh for the afternoon/evening on a Tuesday to shoot our maternity pictures. I couldn't wait to share them with you all because I AM IN LOVE with how amazingly beautiful they turned out... considering the weather was so crazy the whole day... one minute it would downpour and the next the sun was shining... thankfully during our shoot the sky was overcast and no rain so it made for the perfect weather!

Our photographer: Alyssa Ann Miller, Be sure to go check out her website HERE. She is
simply the best and I am so thankful to have met her! :)  Also to see more from our shoot check out her blog HERE.

Snapshot of Our Photos :

Our little family!
I've always wanted a picture like this, PERFECT!!!

I am totally framing this photo in her nursery :)